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Track Rules 

PGARA'S Mandate

PGARA's mandate is to provide and place where safe and responsible racing can take place first and foremost. In both facilitating and offering this to our Members, we have an additional goal to present to our fans a great event in a well prepared facility. The Directors believe this is essential to fans long term support and growth. We want the experience at PGARA to be entertaining, while offering the spectator as many services and amenities as we can. This will support the mandate of increasing spectator attendance to double or triple present levels. PGARA is driven by both the evolution of its classes and the facilities that we presently have and make changes in the best interests of progression of racing in western Canada. As the association grows, the demand for improvements and promotion has been the forefront of challenges for the organization. Where the 'not for profit' advantage of the facility puts money back into the track, the Board of Directors work to ensure the income of the track has a corporate attitude.


Prince George race enthusiasts volunteer their time and effort to assist in the normal operation of the facility. Many of these volunteers have been with the association for many years and have contributed greatly to the maintenance and care of the track. Race days provide a number of responsibilities that are filled by Directors and Volunteers. Flag person, gate keepers, spotters, and more including the Emergency crew will keep PGARA at the top of its game.


Dedicated to provide Safe Responsible Racing in a Professional and entertaining format. 

IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to enter for any purpose any RESTRICTED AREA (herein defined as including but not limited to the racing surface, pit areas, infield, burnout area, and all walkways, concessions and other areas appurtenant to any area where any activity related to the event shall take place), or being permitted to compete, officiate, observe, work for, or for any purpose participate in any way in the event, THE UNDERSIGNED, for himself, his personal representatives, heirs, and next of kin acknowledges, agrees, and represents that he has, or will immediately upon entering any of such restricted areas, and will continuously thereafter, inspect such restricted areas and all portions thereof which he enters and with which he comes in contact, and he does further warrant that his entry upon such restricted area or areas and his participation, if any, in the event constitutes an acknowledgment that he has inspected such restricted area and that he finds and accepts the same as being safe and reasonably suited for the purposes of his use, and he further agrees and warrants that if, at any time, he is in or about restricted areas and he feels anything to be unsafe, he will immediately advise the officials of such and will leave the restricted areas. 
HEREBY RELEASES, WAIVES, DISCHARGES AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE the promoter, participants, racing association, sanctioning organization of any subdivision thereof, track operator, track owner, officials, car owners, drivers, pit crews, any persons in any restricted area, promoters, sponsors, advertisers, owners and lessees of premises used to conduct the event and each of them, their officers and employees, all for the purposes herein referred to as "releases", from all liability to the undersigned, his personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin for any and all loss or damage, and any claim or demands therefore on account of injury to the person or property or resulting in death of the undersigned, whether caused by the negligence of the releases or otherwise while the undersigned is in or upon the restricted area, and/or competing, officiating in, observing, working for, or for any purpose participating in the event. 
HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS the releases and each of them from any loss, liability, damage or cost they may incur due to the presence of the undersigned in or upon the restricted area or in any way competing, officiating, observing, or working for, or for any purpose participating in the event and whether caused by the negligence of the releases or otherwise. 
HEREBY ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND RISK OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE due to the negligence of releases or otherwise while in or upon the restricted area and/or while competing, officiating, observing, or working for, or for any purpose participating in the event. 
THE UNDERSIGNED expressly acknowledges and agrees that the activities of the event are very dangerous and involve the risk of serious injury and/or death and/or property damage. The undersigned further expressly agrees that the foregoing release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the province or state in which the event is conducted and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.


THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND VOLUNTARILY SIGNS THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, and further agrees that no oral representations, statements or inducements apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made.

If it doesn't say you can, then you can't do it, All classes!!

Membership & Annual award Eligibility requirements


Any driver wanting to qualify for points championship at PGARA, or be considered for any Annual awards must comply with the following requirements:

1. Driver  & Car must be registered as a PGARA member.  Membership must be completed and paid for by the 2nd race day of the season.  Each day of a “doubleheader” weekend counts as one race day (Saturday is Race day #1, and Sunday is Race day #2). 

2. Any driver/car that cannot meet this requirement (i.e. the car is not ready by the 2nd race day), and still wants to be counted towards championship standings/annual awards must contact a member of the PGARA Executive (President, Vice president, Treasurer, and/or Secretary) for special permission to compete and be eligible.

3. Driver/car must compete in more than 50% of the scheduled events in the race season.

4. Every registered car must comply with all the rules in the applicable class for the season.

5. Driver & car must be in good standing.



No one is allowed on track until the following conditions are met:

  • Fire equipment is on hand and ready for use.

  • Tow truck and driver is ready (except during practice)

  • Permission from pits is granted.

  • Helmets, goggles, driving gloves and driving suit must be worn.

  • Cars must have been safety checked and passed as listed in rulebook.

  • Anyone wanting to practice must have a member of the Board of Directors present and have signed the waiver before going out onto the track.

  • A driver must be a current member to practice.

If any car has any mechanical problem, the driver is to move off the racing surface (into the gravel). If they do not, they will be black flagged, at the flagman's discretion. 
Cars will get two timed laps. If a car spins out, stops, or pulls into the pits he may return for one more lap only. 
Any car spinning out in the first lap will result in a restart. Only one restart per race. Second restart will be single file. 
In the event of a stoppage during a race, cars will line up in a double file with leader out front on back straight according to the last completed lap shown on the lap sheets. Cars involved in an accident or a spin out shall start at the rear. 
No race will be stopped because of an accident unless the officials deem it necessary. 
Yellow flag laps will not be counted as running laps. 
Any car stopping due to mishap and not driven immediately to starting position shall be considered as involved in an accident. Starter's decision is final. 
Intentional running in the infield will result in disqualification from the event. An event is one single race, not the day's events. 
Intentional blocking or chopping, nerfing will result in disqualification from the event. An event is one single race, not the day's events. 
Permission must be granted by pit boss and/or starter before any practice at intermission. 
All cars must have numbers neatly decaled or painted on the center of both doors and on the center of the roof minimum 20” high. All numbers must contrast to body paint. Numbers must be readable day or night from the timing booth. 
Points are awarded to the car number that is registered at the pit gate for the day's race. There will be no interchanging of numbers during the day's program. 

PROTEST: Protest forms are submitted to the Pit Boss along with $150.00 cash to protest the top end of motor, and an additional $150.00 cash to protest the bottom end. Protests are only valid if they are made during the day's events or within one half-hour after the day's program. Any competing driver may protest any car once per race day, and specify any two items. The protest fee is to be forfeited to the protested driver if the car is found legal. Only drivers who have competed in the day's events may protest.  The executive will designate tear-down personnel.

Being found guilty of running illegally, the offending car will lose all points for that day. Being found guilty of second offense at any future race during the season, the offending car will lose all points gained to that point during the season, and any points that day may also be suspended. 

No cars are to be removed from speedway grounds for 30 minutes after completion of the day's program. Any car leaving the track will lose its points for the day, unless special permission has been given. 
In main events only car starters change starting positions for any reason deemed necessary. Decisions are final and not to be disputed. Rookies, meaning any person who has never oval raced in that class before, must start at the rear of the pack for the first 3 race meets; they will not receive passing points. 
Tech-man's decision can only be appealed and possibly overruled by official protest to PGARA. 
All cars must be self-starting. 
Cars may only enter or re-enter race during yellow flag and (or) at the discretion of the back strait flag person.
In order to receive points for a race, the car must take the first green flag of the race. 
Any car is subject to inspection at anytime. 
If any car ignores the black flag for 3 laps, the offending car will be deleted from lap count system. 
If a driver is unavailable to time in his car, he or she can make arrangements to have someone else time in his car and race it, until he can make it to the racetrack. Upon arrival at the racetrack, the driver is to inform the pit gate. The timing booth MUST BE NOTIFIED that someone other than the driver is timing in his car! 





Any car not qualifying does not receive passing points



Number of cars will determine the total number of points for qualifying, the faster qualifier getting the same number of points as there are cars. Cars will receive one point diminishing down to the last place qualifier getting 1 point. Ties: the first car to have timed in receives faster qualifying position.


All dashes will be 4 laps. 

All heats will be 10 laps.


Dashes receive the same number of points as the heats. Numbers of cars starting will determine number of points. 1st place will receive the same number as cars starting, each position thereafter diminishing by one point.


After the main event, the top three cars must go directly to the scales or any other area as determined by the Pit Boss. If necessary, refer to the timing booth per class to identify the top three (3) finishers.  Finishing points are number of cars x2 Diminishing by 2 points by finishing order Passing points are 1 per position gained, if eligible.

For example: If there are 7 cars starting the Main Event, the winner shall receive 14 points, Second place 12 points, 3rd place, etc. down to the last place finisher who shall receive 2 points


Any driver who does not obey the Flag Rules will be subject to disqualification and/or fined. Light signals are also used; drivers should have a definite understanding concerning signals and flags before the race.



Start of race, or qualifying lap.



Caution, go slow, single file, hold position. No passing. Not allowed to race to yellow flag. Drivers are responsible for line up after yellow flag.



Danger! Come to controlled stop.



Go to pit at once for consultation.



One lap to go.



End of race or qualifying lap.



Lapped car: Move to inside of racetrack.

If a caution flag waves during the final lap, a restart will be done as a Green, white, checkered flag format



A current membership card must be shown when entering pit area. Persons must be 10 years or older to be a member and enter the pits. 


Any pit crew between 10  - 14 years old must have a high visibility vest with the Car # and Class clearly listed.  The vest must be worn at all times.  These pit crew members must be under parental supervision AT ALL TIMES.  Failure to follow these safety rules may result in the offending Car, driver, and all crew being immediately removed from the pits and not being allowed to participate in the balance of the race day.


MUST BE 16 TO DRIVE Street stock OR 14 to drive a MINI STOCK or HORNET. Any persons with no circle track racing experience must attend a mandatory 2 practice sessions and have BOD approval to race. 

There will be no splitting of the main event in any class with 30 or less cars. Six registered and paid cars make a class.


Five cars or less can time in, run a dash, heat and a main (with the same number of laps as the heat). May also run in another class's main event if another class allows. No trophies. 

The BOD May at any time, revoke a persons driving privilege if they are deemed to be a danger to themselves or fellow drivers.

All participants must be members and must complete an Electronic Waiver before entering Pit Area. Pit pass must be displayed in a conspicuous place on his/her person. PGARA recommends that all entering pit area have MEDICAL COVERAGE. 

All teams should be clothed in uniform apparel with matching shirts, pants, and or coveralls. No tank tops or open toe footwear are allowed in pits. 

The track reserves the right to reject any person applying for pit entry or to refund pit fee, and to eject any person whomsoever from the pits. 

Any club member permitting the use of his membership card by anyone other than themselves may be fined or barred from the track.   The membership card may also be confiscated and the membership may be cancelled.

Anyone under a doctor's care or on compensation or drawing sick benefits from any source must make his condition known and a decision will be made by track officials as to their admissibility. 

Anyone acting in any way to the detriment of the track, club, or racing, in general, will not be allowed on track property. 
No pit person or non-official in the pit area will be allowed on the track, infield, track exit, or entrance during any race event unless permission has been received from an official. 

Cars will park as directed by the pit boss. One tow vehicle and trailer allowed in the pits per car, all other vehicles must be removed. Enclosed trailers, which obstruct the vision of safety officials and spectators, must be removed before the start of the race. 

Drivers will alert themselves and read the lineup/schedule board in order to be ready when called to line up. If not there when called, a driver may lose their position and may be deleted from entire program for that race, or the entire day. 

Cars must be lined up in correct position and ready to move out of the pits before the previous event is completed. 

Changes in drivers and sponsors must be reported to pit gate or pit worker at board BEFORE EVENT STARTS.


The Pit boss is in charge of all cars while in pits. Once on track they are under the starter's direction until re-entering the pit.  Cars entering the pits must proceed directly to their pit stall and not stop in pit driveway, thereby blocking cars in the rear from entering pits or clearing the track. A car having mechanical trouble or impeding traffic must move to the pit or infield. Any driver who blows an engine or a tire must immediately leave the track surface. 

Tow trucks are for track use only and will not be required to lift cars for tire changes or repairs. This is the responsibility of the car's pit crew. 

Speeding or spinning wheels in pits will not be tolerated and will be considered a serious offense, subject to a fine / suspension. SPEED LIMIT MAX 5MPH. 

INTOXICANTS: The use of intoxicants by a driver, car owner, pit person or track official on the day of a race is strictly forbidden up to the end of the race meet. Violators will be immediately removed from the course by track officials. The penalty will be an automatic fine and/or suspension for two race meets. Drinking in the pits by any member or person will cause the person to be taken from the pits immediately.

CAUSING A DISTURBANCE: Any driver, car owner, or pit person who at any time or place causes a disturbance or uses improper language before the public is subject to a fine and or suspension from pits and or club activities. 


Any drivers or pit crew harassing track officials or volunteer workers will be given a fine (to be paid before the next race day). Upon receiving a third fine you will load up your car immediately and leave the racetrack. Any driver or car incurring more than one fine on race day, the second fine should be issued by a different track official. 

After three fines, car will be parked for one race day. 

Slow cars start at the front, and fast at the rear determined on qualifying times. No inverted starts. 

Anyone going onto the track or across-track during a race day will be suspended, and the car will lose all points for that day and/or be fined unless special permission is granted by Pit Boss or Starter. Any pit crew or driver going onto the track to attend a car before a track official is at the scene could have his car parked for the day. 
All present are required to attend pit drivers meeting when called. Any driver present in the pits and not attending will be fined. 
Anyone using a fire extinguisher must report with used extinguisher to the pit boss so that used extinguisher may be suitably marked. In cases of overcrowding in the pit area, the number of persons on any car's pit crew will be limited to five persons, including driver. 

Anyone blocking the movement of safety vehicles and tow trucks may be fined. Tow trucks must be parked in designated areas only.  No littering in pits. Cars responsible may be fined. All teams will be found responsible for their pit. 

RESPONSIBILITIES OF DRIVERS: Drivers will be responsible for the conduct and dress of their pit crew and responsible for any fines incurred. Any fines incurred to be paid before next race meet. 

If any car is stopping on track due to mechanical problems, crashes, or other  issue, the driver must remain in the car with helmet and belts ON until the pit official advises otherwise. 
All interpretations of the rules shall be decided at the executive level. No unwritten rules shall apply. All complaints shall be in writing in the form of a letter to PGARA. 

Fundamental Rules for Drivers 

The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events to establish a minimum acceptable requirement for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all PGARA events, and, by participating in these events, all PGARA members are deemed to have complied with these rules. No express or implied warranty of safety shall result from publications of, or compliance with these rules and/or regulations. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to participants, spectators, or others. 

Racing is a sport, but a good sport is made up of men and women. Racing has no place for the trouble makers, or those who can see nothing but wrong, believing that every action of the officials is directed at them, and that rules are made only to break. This man or woman has no place in the racing sport and should be left at the entrance gate of all racetracks. 
Enter here, into The PGARA, those we can trust, honor and respect. People we would welcome into our homes. This book should be studied by all members, and then we may avoid many unnecessary misunderstandings. 

We adopted these rules, regulations and specifications with the thought in mind that every competitor is entitled to a fair chance in the most exciting of all competitive sports, "Auto Racing." 

Racing is a good sport. Many, many grinding hours, days and weeks can be put into a machine and getting it to the race track. Seeing it go around the track once and all the many hours of work are forgotten and fulfillment is met. 
This is racing, as it should be. Regardless of the hardships, monies and joys, racing will continue. We hope every one of you continue in the sport. We will be there in some capacity.


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